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What’s A Typical ‘Tuesday’ Like for Malibu Ken?

What’s A Typical ‘Tuesday’ Like for Malibu Ken?

Malibu Ken

Hip-Hop duo Malibu Ken (Aesop Rock and TOBACCO) gave a whole new meaning to giving Tuesday! The pair returns with a new corky video for single, “Tuesday” from their self-titled album released at the top of the year.

The humor-filled visual highlights the creative range of Rhymesayers collaboration.

In their words, the official video directed by Rob Shaw is either, “a dramatic coming-of-age story gone wrong? Or a cheesy thriller gone right?” Watch the full video above! Don’t forget to tell us what you think below in the comment section.

Stay connected wit Malibu Ken! Follow Aesop Rock across your favorite social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Follow TOBACCO across social media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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