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Undefeated Losers Founder Hussain Al-Khalil Hints at New Project

Undefeated Losers Founder Hussain Al-Khalil Hints at New Project

Undefeated Losers founder, Hussain Al-Khalil, hints at the release of a new short film release on Instagram. With little to no information but ‘soon’ as the caption, fans remain on edge.

Over the past few months, the up-and-coming filmmaker, has focused on bringing more original content in all versions of visualizations, cinematography, and film making including the release of web series ‘Shadows‘.

The untitled short film will be the New Jersey native’s first public project released under the Undefeated Losers brand.

Undefeated Losers LLC, is a creative team focused towards film, music videos, live events and photography to expand the creative consciousness.

Be sure to check out Hussain and friends on Undefeated Losers’ official podcast ‘Good Vibes’. To catch up on what you’ve missed click here to be redirected.

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