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RaneRaps: Funk Fusion, Flamboyant Fashion and Fire Music

RaneRaps: Funk Fusion, Flamboyant Fashion and Fire Music


Raneraps is the ripple in still water. A young prominent artist with a Dartmouth education uttering dynamic lyrics and a renowned fashion sense. Raneraps colorfully presents a RapSoulFunk sound all the while unapologetically discovering himself throughout his musical journey. With songs like and “Perfect People” and “Lets Chill,” his music is said to be ‘self-reflective …intertwined with personal experiences and fun 90’s house party mixed with some authentic romance.’ Rane exudes charisma in everything he ventures into and audiences everywhere are beginning to relate to his personable lyrics and upbeat sound. Therefore catching the attention of Spotify Fresh Finds for his single “All My Worries” reaching over 172k plays in 2017.

Click the cover art to stream the project now!

Currently, he’s turning heads as a natural performer and is raising the bar for his fellow music comrades. Especially now that the West Coast has called him back to the sunny skies of Los Angeles, being embraced by his hometown has changed the game. Growing up in LA, he began making music at a young age, RaneRaps was not only musically inclined but also a computer genius and gamer addict. Making 3 computers over his lifetime and even was a runner up for Lego Magazine for a Star Wars creation at just 6 years old.

Yet Raneraps’ music is what sets him apart from his peers. Uniquely, it will always make listeners want to get out of their seats and move while he has strategically implemented profound messages. Overall, it’s a  “take a feel-good approach over a darker, moody vibe… to shine light of trials and tribulations but still inject the spirit that can put a smile on people’s faces.”

This is a signature marker of ‘Mr. Hot Jams’, (a name he got from A play on word of his father’s phrase, ‘I’ll be damn’) style. His ability to present in-depth lyrics while simultaneously making people have fun and feel good about life.  For example, In his lyrics of Perfect People, He mentions “I’m just one in a billion, they try to put me on a brochure… my pigment push their agenda, they won’t protect me from lenders,” he simply points out how higher education often utilize images of diversity among their students as a marketing tactic without supporting them to remain out of loan debt, therefore perpetuating economic oppression and segregation. His lyrics often consist of important matters  all the whilst sprinkled over high vibe and playful beats; creating the urge to dance.

Rane’s lyrical content stem from personal life experiences in all areas of life: love, relationships, education, institutionalized oppression and/or enjoying a good time with friends. His journey to pursue music as a career truly began when he was presented with a choice between an Ivy League education or uncovering his musical potential. He realized that music was a more fulfilling route although his education was important and served purpose.

He states, “don’t get me wrong, I love the wealth of knowledge from so many disciplines that a collegiate environment offers but because I was in the middle of nowhere, it did little for me in terms of expressing myself creatively outside of the internet,”adding, “I was often the only black person I saw that day and if my sleepy eyes only halfway registered my own face in the mirror on a particular morning, it might be night before I saw some melanin. So, it’s nice to see [In los Angeles] melanin left and right – although the melting pot isn’t a rosy as they say.”

As he continues to find himself, his fashion choices reflect exploring his true self that embodies no restrictions or social constraints. He is dedicated to self-exploration through the creation of music with a style often comparable to Prince/Andre 3000 like attire. His experimental taste and decoration of fur coats, leotards and form fitting clothes is a sign of self-love and therefore revolutionary

As a result, the act of pushing back against societal norms and sub-standard critiques has become second nature as he remains focused on the journey of self love via music. He explains how people often bring negativity in regards to his music, emphasizing,“I’ve grown as a person and as an artist – the two being one and the same and I see myself holding steadfast to the flashy, funky positivity I am known for!

His conscious lyrics, wild and free expression of gender bending dress is asserting there is no right or wrong way to be as long as it resonates with the individual.  He continues to validate himself through his music, inspired from Chicago producer/rapper, BrandUn DeShay where he says, “if I needed a second opinion, I’d ask myself twice.

There is no stopping the young rapper as his light begins to be recognized by more listeners and fans each day. Perfect People Is hitting 48,000 plays on soundcloud with many more projects currently in the process for future release, Like “Wonderful World” that eclipses Perfect People in terms of visual narrative and sheer amount of metaphors.

Raneraps is in hopes that his release, A LOT of comparisons will cease to exist and people will finally allow him to stand alone as himself, RaneRaps, and not compare him to his contemporaries. As a result, he has since been coming into his own and is showing the world that he is a man of thought, style and talent while giving killer performances that make you want to get up on your feet.

Take a listen to RaneRaps’ hit single, “Lets Chill” below via SoundCloud! Don’t forget to tell us what you think in the comments below!

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