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NVDES Drops New Single ‘Mind Body Soul Music’

NVDES Drops New Single ‘Mind Body Soul Music’

NVDES by Parker Day Photography

LA based artist NVDES releases new single, “Mind Body Soul Music” in preparation for his upcoming debut album, Vibe City Utah (November 2).

When asked about what fans can expect from the album, NVDES replied, “Vibe City Utah is an endless stream of raw, authentic moments. [It’s] a divine place, filled with the archetypical egos of our society — some gorgeous, some horrifying, all powerful,” adding, “[on the album] I express these egos — recognizes them — through the videos, songs, comics, movements, and characters as a means to social evolution.”

Get a taste of what’s to come by streaming, “Mind Boyd Soul Music” below!

What did you think of NVDES’ new single, “Mind Body Soul Music”. Tell us below in the comment section. Want more NVDES? Be sure to connect with him across your favorite social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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