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Munch Ali Is Looking for His Princess ‘Jasmine’

Munch Ali Is Looking for His Princess ‘Jasmine’

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Munch Ali

New Jersey-based rapper Munch Ali‘s wins continue to pile up! Since the release of his latest project, Win Today back in June, the Tastemakers affiliate continues to dominate the tri-State’s independent scene.

Following the close of his raved about 5-part pop-up tour for the album, Ali is back with the perfect summer closeout visual for single, “Jasmine” co-produced by K Fresh.

Watch the full video directed by Phil Meyer above!

I had a chance to catch up with Ali to ask about the inspiration behind the track to which he replied, “[Jasmine] was originally a freestyle I hadn’t planned to put out. Earlier in the day before I made the track, I had a conversation with a friend about a girl I dated and he commented that she was beautiful and looked like Jasmine from Aladdin. He went on saying he wanted a woman who looked like Jasmine, [so] I explained to him beautiful women like beautiful things that come with opportunity. You can’t sit around doing anything and expect them to flock to you, go get it!”

Adding, “for the visual I wanted to show a beautiful woman in an elegant setting looking over a city that represents opportunity. Meanwhile, me speeding around the city in a luxurious car represents my hustle /drive to have beautiful things and I won’t let anything distract or get in my way.

What did you think of Munch Ali’s new video for single, “Jasmine”? Be sure to tell us below in the comment section.

Want more Munch Ali? Be sure to connect with him across your favorite social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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