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Marlowe Takes A Rather Interesting Trip in ‘The Basement’

Marlowe Takes A Rather Interesting Trip in ‘The Basement’

Marlowe (L'Orange & Solemn Brugham)
Click on the cover art to stream the full album now!

Marlowe’s (L’Orange & Solemn Brigham) self-titled debut album is now available where all e-music is sold! The duo teams up with director Malcolm Critcher for their lead single, “The Basement”.

The new visual finds Solemn Brigham driving all night hosting a strange train of passengers as he unloads his narrative. The video took 80 hours of filming in Los Angeles’ back streets and includes over 20 cast members featuring notable appearances from “catatonic woman,” “straight jacket man,” “jesus,” “older nun,” “slutty nun,” and “cougar.” Enjoy the ride and watch the full video above!

What did you think of Marlowe’s new video for single, “The Basement”? Tell us below in the comment section.

Want more L’Orange? Connect with him across your favorite social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Want more Solemn Brigham? Connect with him across your favorite social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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