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How ‘Lucky’ Are We To Get New Music From Hey, King!

How ‘Lucky’ Are We To Get New Music From Hey, King!

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Indie rock band Hey, King! releases their sophomore single since signing with ANTI- Records in April. “Lucky,” powerfully throbs and pumps with a droning kickdrum beat and strong bassline. The vocals deliver a powerful and compelling call to keep going, with lyrics like, “let me go, let me go back and tell me / I’ll survive and say someday you will find me.” 

While discussing the message behind the lyrics, lead guitarist Natalie London said, “when you are in your darkest hour there is someone waiting for you at the other end and this song is about opening that communication between the future and the pain. It is about the yearning to go back to yourself and let you know you are not alone.”

London is just one-half of the duo that makes up Hey, King!, along with fellow collaborator, percussionist, and vocalist Taylor Plecity. When playing live, Hey, King! also features an eight-piece orchestral band, and the band’s intention for an orchestra to play this song in concert really makes “Lucky” shine. 

“Lucky” explodes from a plucked string-instrument opener into a poundingly visceral tune, complete with a vivid horn section and a hair-raising chorus. In addition, London and Plecity’s harmonies add a tension which helps “Lucky” to explode into the song’s chorus. 

For their music video, Hey, King! released a lyric video featuring a montage of home videos from when the two artists were children. This helps to complement the reminiscent quality of the song’s lyrics.

The band’s debut album will be released sometime in 2021, and is currently being produced by Ben Harper. Make sure to let us know what you think of Hey, King! and “Lucky” in the comments section below!

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