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Gloria Prince Is R&B’s Royal Flush

Gloria Prince Is R&B’s Royal Flush

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Gloria Prince

As the saying goes, everything is bigger in Texas this is especially true in the case of rising R&B recording star Gloria Prince. The Houston native has make a splash on the East Coast following her breakout performance at the legendary New York City venue, Sounds of Brazil, as part of the Sol Village showcase. Prince sings, dances, choreographs, writes, basically there is nothing she can’t do!

I recently had a chance to sit down with the R&B songstress about her debut EP XoGlo, her work while on The Reaction Tour, her singles “Not Too Late” and “All To Me” featuring production by Grammy nominated producer KeyzBaby, her dance experience and more. Check out the full interview below!

New fans may not be aware of this but you are also a trained dancer, often times choreographing your own original pieces. When and how did you get into dance? Have you ever felt torn to choose between dance and music?

I got into dance by watching music videos on the late night shows. My mother was very huge on keeping non-Christian stations out of the house but of course I always found a way to catch up on the latest B2K videos LOL. It was something about how the music flows through the body and how it took away my reality.

Your home state of Texas is known for some of the biggest names in mainstream music as well as underground artists. With so many popular genres engulfed into the culture like Pop, Gospel, Country and Chopped n Screwed, how does this influence your creative process?

I’ve actually never felt torn between music and dance. When I first started pursuing music I was approached and signed to Bloc dance agency. My love for music though overshadow the fact I had an agent in the dance industry. Eventually I was dropped due to a lack of focus because I was so driven by music.

On your debut project XoGlo, you covered some of RnB top hits. You are currently working on a follow up project. What can fans expect on this project? Any collaborations?

Yes! XoGlo was definitely a project not only to put out content but also to share an era of music that made hard times easier for me. My new project “Road to Glorie” will be full of substance. I will paint a picture of who I am and how I grew up. The project will also have something you can dance to and turn up on good time. The only collaboration I may have on my project is with Motown artist and a great friend, Kevin Ross!

You latest single “All To Me” is generating a great buzz. Tell me about the inspiration behind the song. How did you linked up with Grammy nominated producer KeyzBaby?

The inspiration behind the song actually came from the beat. The beat just gives you that sexy and bouncy feel. I actually met Keyz through my friend and, also writer of All To Me, Marquis Rachad. Keyz gave Marquis a folder of beats, not knowing who I was at the time, and when he heard the records we did he was sold.

You released a song, “Not Too Late”, that speaks on police brutality past and present. As an independent artist some singers are afraid to talk about such a sensitive topics in fear of backlash. What motivated you to release the track?

What motivated me to release this song was seeing the hurt and trauma American was and still going through. This war between the minority’s and the majority’s go way back to the Native Americans, The Jews, The African Slaves being brought to America around the 1600s. We’ve always been in a fight for our lives and constantly being humiliated. We can though stay aware, stay educated, encouraged and hopeful that change will come.

You recently traveled to Africa with as part of The Reaction Tour. Can you tell me more about the tour? How can others get involved? When is the next trip?

Yes! Reaction Tour is apart of Kenneth Copeland ministries. Reaction stands for every action there is a reaction. So we travel to other countries like Uganda, India, and Mexico and give these kids an experience that is life changing. The camp consists of dance (which is my department) bible study and worship, basketball, futbol (soccer), volleyball, beauty classes, and business classes. These kids get a new pair of shoes, three meals a day, reaction tour shirts and week of training and tips on how to live a better life through the love of Jesus. If you would like to get involved you can go to You can donate or even be apart of this amazing experience! Our next stop is Uganda, Kampala and we’re actually leaving the end of December 2016.

What’s next for Gloria Prince?

What’s next for me is releasing a new single, my new EP “Road To Glorie” more videos and touring! Who knows you may start seeing my face on TV sooner than later! You can keep up with the latest updates on my website at Thank you for having me! God bless!

Stay connected with Gloria Prince on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or on her personal website Take a listen to her full project XOGlo below and let us know what you think in the comments section!

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