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Forget Science According to Raffaella ‘NASA’s Fake’

Forget Science According to Raffaella ‘NASA’s Fake’


Following the release of her Mom + Pop debut, “Bruce Willis,” Raffaella is back with a new track called “NASA’s Fake.” The track is essentially about Raffaella learning to let go and ignoring the “little” things that may inconvenience life.

What asked about the inspiration behind the track Raffaella explains, “the night we wrote it I got home and showed it to my sister and then, soon after, started complaining to her about something stupid and momentary and she started singing the song back to me — right away I realized my problems were really not that bad… that’s what the song’s meant for, it’s like a reminder you can dance to.”

Stream the full track below!

What did you think of Rafaella’s new video for single, “NASA’s Fake”? Tell us below in the comment section. Want more Rafaella? Come with the singer across your favorite social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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