What is the “American Dream”? Rather vague in nature and unique to each individual, society teaches us that in order to achieve this indescribable plateau you must work hard. There are countless ways to shape, mold, design and produce your version of the American Dream. Therefore, social media can be largely accredited as one of the modern tools to within this burst of innovation. Users can now customize their creativity, share their visions and promote projects on a global scale with the touch of a button.
ROK Production’s new featured comedy, DEREK IS FUNNY, which I was given a special sneak peek, highlights the empowering effect social media now has on millennials’ professional career and financial security. A common theme, never settling for nothing less than what makes you happy and remain authentic yourself. Derek Is Funny is not your typical comedy, it is more like a go against the grain, pave your own path type of movie.
Based in New York City, the film’s protagonist Derek, played by Duke Williams, finds comedic inspiration from all walks of life: from overheard conversations among strangers to his loyal friends: Rob (John Clinkenbeard), Allen (Joey Pfeifer), his brother ShaunStar (Adam Rashad Glenn) and his long-time girlfriend Allison (Tatiana Watson), Derek constantly has an ear out for his next punchline.
Now, after years of managing an irregular schedule due to his stand-up gigs, Derek has FINALLY snagged himself a big corporate job at the most popular late night show – The Johnny Kale Show- which comes with a steady paycheck and benefits. Everyone is very proud of Derek and happy to see him succeed and while everything looks great on paper there’s a persistent feeling that says something’s not quite right that becomes impossible for Derek to ignore. Whether it be destiny calling or just a silly dream, he soon realizes that he holds the pen to his life’s story.
DEREK IS FUNNY (DIF) can be easily misconstrued as a simple “follow your dream” aspirational movie, but in actuality it is a reflection of the ever changing world we live in. A world that has often defined by set expectations of what success should look like. And although becoming successful may vary amongst individuals, how often do people refrain from chasing dreams due the opinions of loved ones? Excuses such as “its too dangerous”, “you’ll never succeed”, “it’s not profitable” or “too unrealistic” often deter people from following through with their dreams. DIF is a message to all individuals currently doubting themselves and/or trying to decipher what path to take.
As people, we embark on life’s many journeys:graduating college, starting a family launching a successful career, finding love, etc. But is there a secondary conversation that needs to be had?
“Am I partaking on this journey under my own terms?” “Or someone else’s?” The kicker is that many people go along with what others want for them – it’s an everyday occurrence.
But Derek, he doesn’t do that!
The movie focuses on the rollercoaster of experiences that Derek faces when he decides not to define his success based on other people’s expectations. Rather, he sets his own standards when it comes to his comedy.
After becoming an overnight internet sensation as the “Subway Comedian.” Derek finds true happiness telling jokes between the metal walls of the subway and its’ platform. As the ‘likes’ and ‘comments’ begin to roll in on social media his visibility as a comedian skyrockets, and the rush he gets from telling jokes in front of a live audience is irreplaceable. For him, its the exact opposite of his day job that entails sitting in a stale building that lacks imagination. Derek is great at what he does and yet his success is met with inevitable doubts and fears.
There is no question that Derek has people in his life that love and care about him but each character struggles with the success that has manifested from his sensational ‘Subway Comedian’ persona. Allison and ShaunStar are worried about Derek’s job and the stability that comes with it. Rob and Allen are concerned about his safety.
Should Derek listen to the people that love him or should he push back against a society and the world that doesn’t want him to be himself? Derek has to decide whether the big fancy corporate job is right for him or should he stay true his creativity and comedic style. The film poses the unique question, “what is the dream?” and “are you the one having it?”
The film challenges the notion of a stereotypical ‘follow your dream” flick that we’ve all
seen. The audience witnesses Derek taking ownership of his ability to create and develop his trade in this case, comedy. Therefore, taking control of his life whether it’s compatible with those around him or not. Many millennials are living their own version of DIF, right now,this is what makes the film relatable and creates a historical pinpoint of generational change. A commentary on how millennials are leaving their mark on the world today.
ROK Production’s new comedic featured film, DEREK IS FUNNY, is coming to a streaming platform soon. To receive updates regarding the film be sure to stay connected on social media. Follow the film on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram or visit the film’s official website www.derekisfunny.com.