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There’s Nothing ‘Bittersweet’ About Sam Soto’s New Video

There’s Nothing ‘Bittersweet’ About Sam Soto’s New Video

Sam Soto

Indie-pop singer Sam Soto is back this time with an official video for his sophomore single, “Bittersweet”. The high-energy video directed by Chase Denton is a visual blast from the past. Shot through a fisheye lens, the video is filled with retro 70s references from chess board tiles, VHS cassette backgrounds, fluorescent lighting accents, and more.  

We had a chance to catch up with Soto to ask about the inspiration behind the video to which he simply replied, “the video is a Space Jam BOOM BOP!! A shot of espresso for your eyes!

Watch the full video below!

What did you think of Sam Soto’s new video for single, “Bittersweet”? Tell us in the comment section. 

Want more of Sam Soto? Be sure to connect with him across your favorite social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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