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Alysia Nicole Harris Debuts ‘Cab Rides & The Morning After’

Alysia Nicole Harris Debuts ‘Cab Rides & The Morning After’

Widely-popular poet and author Alysia Nicole Harris surprised fans with visuals to her latest collaborative project “Cab Rides & The Morning After”.

Since her departure from performance poetry collective, The Strivers Row, it seems Harris’ focus was not solely on entertainment.  Writing on her Facebook fan page, “I’m an ARTIST not an entertainer. Not just a show but a MOVEMENT,” back in September 2015.

We’re not sure what inspired the Yale University PhD candidate but were  happy to see a new full length project from her. Additional collaborates for “Cab Rides & The Morning After” include Elliot Sherod Luscombe, Dalila Noël Shannon and Mark Travis Rivera.

Harris believes, “this is a creative milestone. One first step in the direction of forever,” to which we agree. Check out “Cab Rides & The Morning After” below and be sure to let us know what you think of the project in the comments section.

To order your copy of Alysia’s chapbook ‘How Much We Must Have Looked Like Stars To Stars’ click HERE to be redirected.

Stay connected with Alysia Harris! Be sure to follow her on Twitter, Instagram or like her official Facebook page.  For all things Alysia Harris please visit

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