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Marlowe Debuts Unreleased Track ‘Vagrant’

Marlowe Debuts Unreleased Track ‘Vagrant’


Mello Music Group’s Marlowe (producer L’Orange & emcee Solemn Brigham) debut project, Marlowe is the gift that just keeps giving. With singles such as “Lost Arts”, “The Basement” and “Things We Summon” already setting the Internet ablaze, the pair surprised fans by releasing a new bonus track titled, “Vagrant”.

Solemn’s original flow and baritone delivery seemed to wrap itself in metaphor and then spin free with the type of rotational energy that left listeners dizzy with the sheer force of bars the newcomer delivered. The vortex created by the two musicians drew fans into a world that felt like a night out in an unfamiliar city yet reminiscent of places you’d always loved.

In an interview with DeadEndHipHop, the duo spoke about the heartbreaking ispiration behind the track.

Vagrant was a song we worked on together in Seattle. It was one of our favorites but got cut for being a bit different from the rest of the songs musically. It’s a great song, centering around a time in Seattle where Solemn was denied a lyft,” said L’Orange with Solemn Brigham adding, “Are you tired of being misjudged? Sick of everyone’s perceptions weighing on you? Do you find yourself playing the villain? Do you have responsibilities you couldn’t give less of a damn about? Do you or have you ever had an afro? If so then Vagrant is for you. Vagrant is to remind you that no matter what you do, we don’t define ourselves. People see what they want to see.”

Take a listen for yourself. Stream the full track below!

See Also
Ginger Root Press Image 2024

What do you think of Marlowe’s new song, “Vagrant”? Tell us below in the comment section.

Want more L’Orange? Connect with him across your favorite social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Want more Solemn Brigham? Connect with him across your favorite social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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