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IAM’s Goddess Alex Wolf Continues to ‘Resonate’ With Millennials

IAM’s Goddess Alex Wolf Continues to ‘Resonate’ With Millennials

Alex Wolf
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Following the success of their 3rd annual IAM Conference, the Inspired Artist Movement is back with Goddess day of healing and celebrating the divine feminine featuring a fireside chat and book signing with Alex Wolf, author of “Resonate” on Saturday, July 21st at Muneca Mullins Studio in Hoboken, New Jersey.

The event will also feature an inspiring panel with Namibia Donadio, Ashley Jacklyn, Alicia Ruth, Yari Blanco, live performances from Ali de León, Holyveins and Hoboken native YERD Records’ Eni with a special set by DJ LUV.

who built a cult following of over half a million millennials for her first brand in less than a year.

We had a chance to briefly speak with organizer and founder of the Inspired Artist Movement, MJ Sansait about the event. Check out what she had to say below!

What is the Inspired Artist Movement’s goal with this event?

Goddess is a time for womxn to come together, support and uplift one another. It’s a time to reach those in need of emotional healing, who feel alone, excluded, rarely get to take care of themselves, are running on empty, battle with depression, forgot their why, constantly question themselves and how badass they are. We wanted to create a space for womxn to heal, shine and remember the goddess within them.

Alex Wolf
Click to order Alex Wolf’s new book!

What can attendees expect?

The evening will open up with a Water Weaving Intention Ritual with Artist Educator, Healer, and Community Organizer Jana Lynne Umipig.  We will then have a fireside chat and book signing with Alex Wolf, author of “Resonate”. Maria Molina of Flower Magick will present spiritual hygiene tips.  We’ll also have an inspiring panel of goddesses who make an impact through the arts.  We’ll learn about their journey as creatives, how they overcome adversities and how they practice self-love. We’re excited to have live performances and special guest DJ. We’ll have a variety of vendors from beauty, accessories to eats set up shop including Tellaro Cosmetix , Flower Magick, Your Local Fairy, Sacred Earth Stones, Lily and Eve, and Suwanna Food. Guests will take home giveaway bags filled with goodies from our sponsors as well but we really want our guests to leave feeling supported, appreciated, beautiful and overall, bad ass. We want to remind them they are enough and more.

Inspired Artist Movement’s Goddess event is proudly sponsored by Erin Kumpf Acupuncture & Herbs, LITM, Modern Sage, Wax Kandy Candle Co. with media support by Envert Entertainment. Goddess will be held on Saturday, July 21st at Muneca Mullins Studio in Hoboken, New Jersey beginning at 4 pm. To purchase your tickets, click HERE.

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